Soulforce Living is ...


Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Love Altar

The Love Altar

Since Dr. Wayne Dyer crossed over, I have been reading his books and listening to his lectures non-stop.  I also have folders of Youtube videos, Hay House audio downloads; and of course, many thoughts generated by conversations and cafecitos with my dear Soul Sister, Rebeca Salazar.  I drive to work listening to Wayne.  I come home from work listening to Wayne.  When I go walking, I put on my headphones and walk in nature listening to Wayne.  Because of Wayne, I created a special "Dream Book" which I read before I go to sleep.  (I have learned from Wayne that the last five minutes of thoughts we have before we sleep are what the subconscious goes over and over for the next eight hours.  If this is so, I want to make sure I am not thinking about work or anything stressful!  I want to dream about flying and travel and beautiful places!) I am bringing in as much Wayne as I possibly can.  This influx of "Wayne Wisdom”, encourages me to feel braver about speaking and living my truth.  I am starting to see that my “I AM” presence is God Energy and calls me to my life's purpose at all times.  So, if my calling is to write down my inspirations and share them with you, then so be it. 

While listening to Wayne’s lecture on, There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, I heard him speak about a program called, AIM Program of Energetic Balancing. Wayne endorsed this program by saying that Stephen Lewis, the founder, was onto something.  So, I paid attention!  Wayne said that Deepak Chopra confirmed the findings of Stephen Lewis by saying something to the effect that 100 years from now we will be able to clone a sheep from a photograph.  According to what I know so far about AIM is that our photograph holds our genetic material, an energetic imprint of us within a photograph.  Lewis receives a photo of you and puts it into one of his many metal trays and sends energy to it from his many computers. This super computer of sorts, has half a million frequencies going to you 24/7/365. This energy is so strong that it can empower you to heal your imbalances. This sounded so fabulous to me!  I went to the website and found that this privilege costs $1000 per individual or $2000 per family (free for those with Down Syndrome or Autism.)  A hefty price!  Well, I was not deterred by the price, but I wanted to meditate on this before I just sent a check. 

Being the curious person I am, I signed up for more AIM information and was immediately called by a "Facilitator".  She was very sweet and said I could call her at anytime. I told her I wanted to read Lewis' book, Sanctuary, and formulate my questions before I talked to her in depth.  So, I called my Love Sister, Janis Witherington Hopper (Read her blog: Simple Raw and Natural here)  She's on a similar path as I am. I knew she would help me think clearly and lovingly direct me to my senses.  Janis turned my attention to my own energetic power.    

Meditating on my own "I AM" presence, I thought back to one of Wayne’s lectures.  Maybe it was in: There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem … Not sure.  Wayne said that when he writes, he always has his most precious books, holy artifacts and pictures around him.  The very presence of these wonderful items inspires him totally.  He never experiences writer’s block.  He feels the holy presence of these materials very strongly and feels that they influence his work in a positive way.  That was it!  I needed to create my own Super Computer - Harness the Power of my "I AM" presence and God's Love Energy!  

Today, October 31st, 2015, I rounded up my high energy LOVE materials.  Out came my three bibles.  Two are gifts from my father and one is a gift from my maternal grandparents.  I took my statue of the Mother Mary out of my closet.  This statue was in the home of my maternal grandparents until they died.  This statue was lovingly placed on my Love Altar. I went into my photographs and got images of all my friends and family.  This ; included, of course, my boyfriend's children, family and friends.  (We are one!) I got rosaries that belonged to my father and my maternal great-grandmother and found a place for them.  The book of wisdom from Dalai Lama was freed from my bedside drawer and placed tenderly on the Love Altar.  My silk-wrapped Reiki manual was also placed on the altar.  I then went to my box of stones which are kept beneath our bed to keep us grounded, and “asked” each stone, via my pendulum, who wanted to move to the "Love Altar".  After I had assembled all of these precious items, I smudged the entire house with a sage wand and said prayers in each room, alcove and closet of our home.  My Love Altar was now in a high-frequency environment.  I was finished!  This said, I know that I can add to this Love Altar anytime.  I am sure I will be inspired to do so!

As of this very moment, fabulous Love Energy is now emanating from my Love Altar 24/7/365!  Beautiful Love Energy is now flowing freely in our home (and beyond!), and to each heart of those we hold dear.  A very special “Thank You” to Wayne for this blessing and idea.  And of course, a special “Thank You” to Rebeca and Janis for being with me on this amazing journey and sharing their thoughts with me.  

My journey with AIM is still ongoing.  Stephen Lewis' books: Sanctuary and Peak Performance are on the way.  I will read them and will give you an update.  Should you have any experience with AIM, I would love to read your comments.  

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Great Spirit of Wayne

     Dr. Wayne W. Dyer made his transition/transformation on August 30th, 2015. The author of, Your Erroneous Zones, has expanded to his next big journey. It was funny, I was watching him promote his new course online in late July and was thinking how he seemed too spiritually enormous to fit into his current Hay House program. As I watched, I could tell this program was just too small. I felt sad for him.  The information he was presenting was excellent but it was his spirit that concerned me. I could tell there was something missing. He was just not able to be fully Wayne. When I heard he had passed on, I was still shocked and saddened. But, I felt so happy for him too. Free at last! He could be his true amazing spirit once again. 

     My dear friend, Rebeca Salazar, who shares my love for Wayne’s work, came to my house and together watched his memorial service on September 18th, 2015. We laughed, we cried and we marveled at the impact this man had on our lives and the influence he had on this planet. However, in my opinion, the memorial was too small for him too. It appeared to me as though nothing in this world could quite encompass all of this amazing being. He was more beautiful than any of us could have ever imagined. Wayne W. Dyer was big! Very Big! As time goes on, we will see more and more clearly the legacy he has left behind.

     Wayne W. Dyer first came to my attention in 1986. A coworker meekly and humbly suggested I read, Your Erroneous Zones. She could see I needed Wayne’s teachings desperately. But my response was, “Wayne Dyer? You have to be kidding,” I scoffed. “He’s so mainstream, so overdone. I read literature,” I protested. As a result of my ignorance and ego, I missed out on an opportunity to change my thoughts and change my life. I remember feeling sorry for my coworker. I looked at her with pity and almost said aloud: “Self-Help books ... and a topic about sex ~ Please!” Like others, I am sure, I didn’t even take the time to correctly read the title of the book!

     Now here it is almost thirty years later and I cannot get enough of this man’s work! My distain, my ASS-umptions, my lack of openness sometimes shock me. I see now that this sort of knee-jerk reaction to something was a clear sign I was off track. I now cast my mind back on that moment in 1986 and imagine that interaction taking place in a new way. I see myself accepting that book my coworker so lovingly offered me. I see myself reading the book and having much to discuss with her. I see how she became an ally and a friend, instead of someone I would not take the time to get to know. Thanks to Wayne, I see clearly how time is not linear. I can now send love to this coworker from so long ago and thank her for showing me something about myself I really was not ready to embrace at that time. I know she feels this love.  In this moment I say, “Thank you.” I send her love.

     My second calling to the teachings of Wayne came in 2001 from my boyfriend at the time. We were watching a PBS Special. My boyfriend, like me, could be very dismissive about mainstream culture. He gently and tenderly asked me to watch Wayne’s program. Who could resist such an offer? The lecture was on how to get what you "Really, Really, Really Want." It was excellent! Together we began watching, listening and reading everything we could get our hands on. We were hooked. I was particularly drawn to the sound of Wayne’s voice. He had the most soothing speaking manner. His lectures were so well done. I began to see Wayne as a real teacher. I could see that Wayne’s teachings were for the ordinary person like me. I now understand that he wanted to be mainstream! He wanted everyone to find their true calling, to hear how to find their life's purpose. 

     Fast forward to 2015, I am currently listening to Wayne read his last work, his autobiography, I Can See Clearly Now. I have this feeling that Wayne’s work has cast me on a bigger and more exciting spiritual journey. My sorry little life has just gotten bigger. To date, I have read: Inspiration – Your Ultimate Calling, and Excuses Begone!; and still I have never read, Your Erroneous Zones! I just gave a copy to Rebeca. I am excited about reading this book now. I suppose I am saving it for a very special time when I can focus on it completely. Maybe I will write about this book in another blog entry. We shall see.

     At the memorial service, Dr. Carolyn Myss referred to Wayne as a prophet and a mystic. Yes, he was both. He grew into a great spirit.  His teachings showed us how to go within and listen. He showed us that ordinary people can be great if we listen to our inner self, that Great Spirit which ceaselessly calls to us night and day. Taking Wayne’s teachings to heart, I am feeling I will stay open to all opportunities and will be careful not let my ego get the best of me. Wayne said ego was an acronym for: Edging God Out. If we are all God, as Wayne suggests, it would be wise to stay humble and say, "YES" to chance opportunities, like someone offering us a book to read out of the blue.

     In closing, I have a feeling if we start to emulate the Great Spirit of Wayne, we will be blessed by learning more about who we really are.  Wayne loved humanity and because of this love, his influence will never die. He gave us all such a gift we never knew we needed so badly. Thank you, Wayne for all your 75 years here on this planet! I am excited about seeing you in your new form. Your loving presence is still with us, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!