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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Leave Your Drugs In the Chemist's Pot, if You can Cure the Patient with Food.


Heal with Food

   I got this picture from Matt Monarch's Raw Food Newsletter.  It inspired me to talk about being sick.  I am writing this with a cold and/or flu.  This is day two of water fasting.  Despite headaches and body aches, I have elected to be drug free.  No Tamaflu, Tylenol or Nyquil or anything, I am just allowing my body to heal itself.  Ever since I learned from Natural Hygienic living that drugs suppress the body's natural healing response, I have chosen the natural healing route.  I think I heal faster and the recurrences of such illnesses are fewer and farther between.  I have been drinking distilled water, sitting out in the sun for short periods and doing nothing else but sleeping and relaxing.  The reason I don't eat, is because I have learned that digestion is the hardest work the body has to do.  Therefore, I drink water until I feel better and do veggie juices after that.  I believe I will be well in two days.  I hear some people are sick with the flu for a week and fear the flu.  There are some that take the flu shot which is riddled with toxins, including mercury.  But, since these shots are so cheap (or free in some cases) everyone thinks they must be useful and safe. 

Are these facts:

1.  Drug companies are interested in our health, not profit.
2.  Pharmaceuticals are for the betterment of Humankind.
3.  The FDA has time to do indepth studies of every new drug that comes out.
4.  Because there is adequate testing on all new pharmaceuticals, we have nothing to fear.  Drugs are safe!

We wish the above were true.  We run out and get shots and vaccines with so much faith.  But, should we really?  We have become slaves to buying our health.  In true health (and Soulforce Living), there is nothing to buy!  Eat well, be happy and get outside and we will never need their drugs again.  Health is our birthright. 

My favorite quote from Hippocrates way back in 420 BC says:  "Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot, if you can cure the patient with food."  So, I am letting my body heal me.  I trust in its wisdom.  For more information on Natural Hygiene go to: