Soulforce Living is ...


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Soulforce Living ~ A way of living that helps us feel connected with all things/beings.

Life is an amazing mystery. Did you see:
Did that movie not make you stand back and reevaluate everything around you? Who are we? What kind of bodies are these? Where are we really living? What all could we truly see if we were really looking?

     As long as I stay open and unattached to any particular belief system then more mystery unfolds before me. In my daily living practice, I try to stay unattached and aware that no one has my answer. Only I can find my own answer. I have come to find out that any 'knowing' I do come upon, is flowing and unstable.  I am learning to let my truth unfold so that the next truth can be revealed.  If I can get quiet and listen, I may hear a whisper or two. The Open Hand Foundation says, “The Self is not to be shaped, it is to be discovered.” So, I am meditating, eating good food (mostly!), exercising like crazy, and showing up to my life every day and eager to see what's next.  If thoughts matter (Einstein said that thoughts = matter), then I had better watch what I think, who I associate with, how I take care of myself and others etc.  What happens, I create with my thoughts.  The way my life evolves is up to me, no one else.  I choose love, compassion, joy and peace ~ for me and all sentients.  This is Soulforce Living.

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