Review for Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness by Robert Cheeke
Perfect Paperback: 317 pages
Publisher: Book Publishing Co.; 1st edition (April 7, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0984391606
ISBN-13: 978-0984391608
I, the reviewer of the book: Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness, had seen Robert Cheeke’s picture in VegNews and on Facebook but I really didn’t pay attention to his fabulous physique and the many articles about his success because I falsely believed that vegans could not build muscle. Why, because my friend said so - plain and simple. My friend had tried to gain muscle as a vegan but her personal trainer told her that it could not be done and she gave up. Her personal trainer was a "professional" bodybuilder. Because I know that my friend is very diligent and disciplined about everything she pursues, I did not bother to verify this information for myself. Then, Robert Cheeke was scheduled to come to Houston to speak and just because he is vegan, I planned to attend.
On the lucky occasion where I got to meet Robert Cheeke, I was quite taken by this wonderful, happy, sweet man! He was vegan and he gained all his muscle by plain good vegan food and well-researched supplements. It was true! Vegans can gain muscle! Robert Cheeke was proof! He had an immediately distinctive personality and he was a delight to listen to; and best of all, he was extremely knowledgeable. He shocked the whole audience immediately by stating that we don’t do things every day like we say we do. We are only half-heartedly acting on our commitments. He went on to say that his book, Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness, was a book which accurately documents how he has really committed himself to his passion – vegan bodybuilding and fitness. Cheeke, one could tell, knew his craft and it was apparent how he was the first individual to succeed as a vegan bodybuilder. It was obvious that Cheeke really does do the work he says he does and clearly was not your average athlete. His relentless nature, networking skills and discipline helped him win name for himself in this very difficult sport and because of this skill, he is known all over the vegan literature. If you are vegan, you know who Robert Cheeke is. He made his name known by his awe-inspiring efforts. When you listen to Cheeke, it’s apparent that you getting to know a person of greatness; and for a man so young, you can be sure that his success is breaking way beyond conventional borders.
I bought his book after his lecture because I knew this was a person I wanted to know more about. This book, Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness outlines the steps to Cheeke’s success and also it details how to be successful in anything you put your heart and soul into. So, not only are you buying a manual to achieve ultimate fitness and health but you are buying a handbook for success. And what I learned from Cheeke is that you must really do your own research. You cannot rely on someone else’s report. He says over and over that “Anything is possible”, and one’s determination and belief in oneself is the key to any possibility becoming a reality. You will read how Cheeke breaks the rules, beats the odds and succeeds by following his passion. His life story is very engaging and he included this all through his book. His book states in no uncertain terms that you have to be willing to pursue your passion and do all the work it requires. This means sacrifice and dedication. He lists the steps for health, success and how to have an awesome muscular vegan body.
Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness is a book with step-by-step instructions on how to get toned, strong and healthy. It’s full of his personal stories and pictures that document his amazing success. Cheeke is unendingly generous with the knowledge that he has gained over his many years as a vegan bodybuilder. He shares every bit of it in this book. He makes no false claims. He only states what he knows, what he has done and what he has achieved. His book is full of sage advice and motivational quotes. He tells his readers to not waste time focusing on your limitations but to focus on your passion and joy. This, he says, will create that gorgeous body you deserve.
For this reviewer, the big gift of this book were his many meal plans and suggestions for what to eat and when. He gives food plans for a vegan, a raw vegan, a whole foods vegan and a vegan who has a tendency toward allergies. Cheeke reviews protein powders, vitamins, minerals and supplements. Nowhere do you get the feeling that he is promoting one product or another. He only focuses on what has worked for him. The workout plan he outlines is simple and versatile. He helps his readers really believe that they can do this work. This reviewer found the many photographs of Cheeke using the equipment and the written plans on how to use the equipment to be very instructive.
Lastly, I enjoyed meeting Robert Cheeke! If you ever have a chance to see him at a speaking engagement, I highly recommend his presentation. Not only does he have this wonderful book to offer but he also has his website, his clothing line, his DVD’s and his abundant materials. Cheeke has a genuine zest for life and he really wants to help you succeed in whatever it is that brings you joy and happiness. And I can say from personal experience, if you email Robert Cheeke he writes back, and like his book promises, you feel like he’s your new best friend.
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