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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Tibetan Five Rites

The Tibetan Five Rights (T5R) both stimulate and balance our hormones and return our chakras to their regular speed.  When your chakras are spinning correctly (clockwise) your glands are also restored to health.  The key is to practice all five rites each day and to do the whole 21 repetitions of each rite.  Start with 3-7 and work up to more, as the strength increases.  
The T5R originate from a remote monastery in Tibet where they were done by the monks every day.  The monks looked extremely young for their age and lived surprisingly long.  More about the T5R can be found in the book: The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth by Peter Kelder.  Youtube has also a range of demonstrations to watch and learn about the rites.  Maryse Moerel does a very nice video presentation (see bottom of page).  She claims to be doing the T5R for fourteen years.  

Rite I

Rite I is reminiscent of the whirling dervishes of the Sufi Tradition.  The spinning action of this rite mirrors the directional spin of our chakras.  By this spinning, the Chi, Prana or Life Force is stimulated.  It is very natural to feel dizzy during this rite.  In fact, it is actually a sign that our vestibular systems are working correctly when we get dizzy while performing this exercise.  Practice only three to seven reps at a time and work up to the whole 21 spins.  

Rite I stimulates the Crown Chakra.  While turning, place the tongue behind the teeth and this allows the psychic energy to enter the body.  When this rite has been completed, lay flat on the mat and allow the body to relax.  This is a perfect transition point for Rite II.

Rite II

Rite II has a lot of stretching and bending to the spine.  In yoga, this action is considered to be extremely rejuvenating.  Plus, this action moves the cerebral-spinal fluid which has a positive effect on the whole nervous system.  There is increased circulation within all the internal organs with this rite.  The abdomen benefits the most.  The Root Chakra and the Sacral Chakra receive the infusion of energy of this rite.  Such energy stabilizes mood and many psychological issues related to family, career, money and relationships are balanced.  

The Mula Bandha and the Uddiyana Bandha are two of the yogic locks that are also stimulated performing this rite.  (The Bandhas or locks give strength and stability to the body.)  
Rite III

This rite stimulates the Cervical and Thoracic Spine. The chakras affected are the Solar Plexus, The Heart chakra and the Throat/5th Chakra.  The heart, thyroid, parathyroid and thymus glands are revitalized during this rite.  Keep the tongue behind the teeth, as this rite is performed for the full benefit of psychic energy.  Remember to perform only what is possible and build up to all 21 repetitions.  The Jalandhara Bandha is the yogic lock which is strengthened during this rite.  Goals related to personal power and career are revitalized here.  

Rite IV

Again, the Solar Plexus, Throat and Heart chakras are stimulated while performing this rite; but also the Third Eye chakra center is activated.  Life Force energy is driven into the body by the movement of the lower extremities while supported by the arms.  Keep the tongue behind the teeth and practice nostril breathing.  The Jalandhara Bandha is also strengthened during this rite.  Psychic abilities are increased by Rite IV.

Rite V

This final rite is great for the immune system in general.  It rejuvenates the nerves in the spine and strengthens our arms and legs.  The hamstring muscles are lengthened, thus reducing lower back pain. All three bandhas are stimulated during this exercise.  This exercise builds the sense of contentment and creativity to the Self and promotes personal wellbeing.  The Heart and Solar Plexus are the main focus of this rite.  

In Closing: 

In closing, please read this information after the first week of practice and again after 30 days.  Take note of how you feel and notice what parts of the exercises you may have omitted or overdone.  Notice how much stronger you have become.  If possible, keep a log of what parts of your life have improved or need improvement since you began the T5R.  

Here is a link to  Maryse Moerel doing a fabulous demo of the Tibetan 5 Rites:


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I was certified by the Yoga Alliance as a Yoga Teacher today!